Meet Other Members
One of the coolest parts of this web site is getting to meet other members and having them meet you! While Skillz4Life members share a common desire to be successful in life, each member is a unique, one-of-a-kind, special person – so share you with us!
Send us a small picture of yourself that you’d like to have posted, so others can get a chance to meet you! Also, tells us a little bit about yourself – things like:
- What kind of music do you like and what are your favorite bands?
- What are you favorite foods?
- What city and state do you live in?
- How do you show that you care for other people?
- What do you like for other to do for you?
- Share something cool, or special, or interesting about you!
- What kind of job would you like to have some day?
Ready-set-go! Send us your picture and a little about YOU now! Send both picture and profile information to:
Heather – Ocean Beach, CA

Favorite Music: Country!
Favorite Food: Mexican!
How I Show I Care for Others: Treating others how I like to be treated.
What I Like Others to Do for Me: Spending time together doing things we enjoy!
Special Interest: Kids!
Job Some Day: Special Education Teacher
Jake – Mission Viejo, CA

Favorite Music: Pretty much everything!
Favorite Food: Chinese!
How I Show I Care for Others: I try and talk to different people in classes and in the hallways at school to stay in touch with everyone, and to let them know that someone cares about them.
What I Like Others to Do for Me: People making me laugh!
Special Interest: I think it’d be fun to live somewhere where it snows.
Job Some Day: Not sure yet… One that pays well!
Tyler – Mission Viejo, CA

Favorite Music: I enjoy listening to all types of music. My favorite band as of right now is Savvy Mae.
Favorite Food: Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles!
Special Interest: I would like to travel to Ireland and New Zealand some day.
How I Show I Care for Others: Listening to people who are going through a hard time and then trying to give them advice to help them through it.
What I Like Others to Do for Me: Pumping me up and making me laugh when I’m down in the dumps or don’t have a lot of energy. Simply just hanging with me.
Job Some Day: I would like to either be an actor or sports/news anchor.